Tag Archives: Passionate Justice

life changing movies.

amazing-grace-poster.jpgAmazing Grace.  The story of William Wilberforce, the indefatigueable British MP who, moved by his Christian faith, was instrumental in abolishing the slave trade.  It left me feeling more passion in my gut than I have in a very long time.  It was also a vivid reminder that God uses very normal people to accomplish phenomenal things.    

godgrewtired4.jpgGod Grew Tired of Us.  An excruciating film.  I was in tears for most of it – on and off at least.  Much of it brought back memories of my time in Sudan 3 years ago.  Some of it challenged me to think of how I have responded to the great need of welcoming newcomers – refugees and immigrants – to my country.  Not too well since I can’t even count on one hand the numbers of newcomers I do know. 

A beautiful reality check.  A huge challenge.  To live out what the Bible says about welcoming the alien and loving our neighbours (even our new ones) as ourselves.  It’s worth a watch.  And it also won three international film festival awards.